
Dear Participant,

You have enrolled yourself for Readiness Test for your "Virtual Call Center Concept and Its Components" Module. Here are the questions to assess yourself. Results will be made known only to you and our project's assessors, who will keep all your information and results at utmost confidential and never share them with third parties.

Thank you for your participation!

The VirtualCall Project Team

1. Do you want to have information about the basic features of call centers?

a) Definitely yes
b) Rather no
c) No
d) Definitely no

2. Are you curious about the historical development of call centers?

a) No
b) Yes
c) Rather no
d) Definitely no

3. Are you familiar with the basic concepts used in call centers?

a) Yes
b) Definitely yes
c) Rather yes
d) No

4. Do you know how call centers are classified according to call types?

a) Yes
b) Definitely yes
c) No
d) Rather yes

5. Do you want to know about the basic software used in call centers?

a) No
b) Yes
c) Rather no
d) Definitely no

6. Do you know what services call centers provide to customers?

a) Yes
b) Definitely yes
c) No
d) Rather yes

7. Do you know in which sectors call centers are widely used?

a) No
b) Yes
c) Definitely yes
d) Rather yes

8. Are you interested in virtual work?

a) No
b) Rather no
c) Definitely no
d) Yes

9. Do you want to know what the main features of virtual call centers are?

a) No
b) Yes
c) Rather no
d) Definitely no

10. Do you know the differences between traditional call centers and virtual call centers?

a) Yes
b) Definitely yes
c) Rather yes
d) No

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How many tires on a typical car? (e.g: 7)


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