
Dear Participant,

You have enrolled yourself for Perception Self Evaluation Assessment for your "Hard Skills Required to Work in the Virtual Call Centre" Module. Here are the questions to assess yourself. Results will be made known only to you and our project's assessors, who will keep all your information and results at utmost confidential and never share them with third parties.

Thank you for your participation!

The VirtualCall Project Team

1. Which of the following tools are NOT synchronous?

a) Skype
b) Chat
c) Blog
d) Audioconference

2. A contact management software for a virtual call center must have:

a) Call control
b) Call recording
c) Black lists to block spam and bots
d) CRM integration in the Call Center

3. What is NOT an advantage of online CRM:

a) Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
b) Accessible from anywhere and mobile device
c) Does not require server maintenance and updates are automatic
d) It depends on internet connection, but can sync with offline data

4. Agents in an outbound call center handle calls related to:

a) Renewals/upgrades, cross-selling, up-selling
b) Possible technical support and assistance for products or services
c) Prospective buyers seeking more information about a particular company's products or services
d) Assistance to customers with technical problems

5. Inbound call center agents handle calls regarding:

a) Advertising surface for a brand, or even remote prospecting or selling
b) Telephone survey activity through a tele-survey executive capable of providing a quick survey of information from a client
c) Prospective buyers seeking more information about a particular company's products or services
d) Sales activity through a specialized sales executive with skills to sell remotely

6. Indicator to evaluate the performance of the call center representative:

a) Customer satisfaction
b) Number of transactions closed in a period
c) Response time
d) Non-productive time

7. Indicators to evaluate the performance of the call center representative:

a) Average Speed of Answer
b) First Call Resolution
c) Profitability generated by the agent
d) Abandonment rate

8. Indicator to evaluate the activities or efforts of the call center representative:

a) Number of transactions closed in a period
b) Calls handled and resolved
c) Sales in relation to the agent's target
d) Average in value of agent's sales

9. Indicator to evaluate the activities or efforts of the call center representative:

a) Average talk time
b) Sales of promotions or products or specific customers
c) Cross-sales in volume or units
d) Profitability generated by the agent

10. Another type of indicators that also have to be taken into account for a quality service are:

a) Tone of voice
b) Language
c) Respect for the consumer
d) All of the above

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How many tires on a typical bicycle? (e.g: 4)


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Calabrio explores how speech analytics can provide valuable insights into agent performance, customer needs, and operational challenges...


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